The Best PTC Sites List Updated Jan 01 2010

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The Net's New Information Highway

For more years than I care to admit, I have depended on either word-of-mouth, catchy ads or Search Engine results to draw me into a new program. I have stopped reading Testimonials altogether because his or her success (real or embellished) is no guarantee of my own – and that’s just common sense.

I’m all about residual or leveraged income anyway and the only road for me. I no longer agree to sell someone’s product for twenty bucks and do it over again tomorrow and the next day. For the same amount of effort, I can get a leveraged program up and running with whatever is asked of me to qualify for on-going income with no further attention on my part. This is the only way to go. And once initiated and running on auto pilot, I look for a new money-stream.

The Internet changes faster than the speed of thought, and so must our searches and marketing strategies. Yesterday’s “landing pages” are today’s “splash pages”. Yesterday we heard about a great opportunity from an Ezine ad or a Free Report… today we have new sources: Forums and Blogs.

Advertising and promotional posts are not allowed in most Forums. There are special Forums for posting your Bizop, but I don’t think anyone reads these any more than antiquated FFA pages. But questions and answers do not violate this rule. So I look up Forums whose members are working from home or wish they were, and tune in on what they call “Hot Topics”. I choose three or four Forums and put the websites in my favorites so I can tune in daily and sort of eavesdrop on the hot topics.

Often it goes like this: Act3 is asking if anyone has heard about XYZ program; good or bad. Gemeni responds because he is a member of that program. Then others begin to ask about it. They want to know if Gemeni has been paid yet? How long did it take to return his investment? Gemeni responds with replies giving factual data. BigSpender posts her reply by saying she joined under Gemeni and I begin to read her positive comments also. Act3 joined during my second week of eavesdropping on all of this, and the three of them formed a winning team.

I have given you a short version, but enough to realize that this is a perfect avenue to find a new and promising program. Take what this Forum has offered and check out Scambusters and all other due diligence that you would do for any new opportunity. With everything on go – join and begin to spread the word the same way you heard about it.

When you join Forums, you choose a “username” and post your sentence or two without making it appear like a blatant ad. However, they DO allow you to put your URL at the close of your post.

Go to a Forum that has a “thread” for members who are interested in working from home. Start asking if anyone knows something about XYZ company, good or bad. Wait a day or two to see if anyone posts a reply. If nothing negative comes back, or no one has heard of XYZ, then you might post a new thread giving some of the details you have acquired “from other Forums”. It might go something like this:

Hi everybody – bigbill here – in my last post I asked if anyone could tell me about XYZ company and since I didn’t get any replies, I went to another Forum and posted the same question. I had several people tell me that XYZ’s cyclic target referral system has broken all the conservative boundaries of any other system. Can this be true?

Notice I did include my URL, and I tried hard not to make my post sound like an advertisement or it would have been deleted by the moderator. Now, let’s look at blogging. Got a website? Got a product? Got a blog?

Yes, Blog your program daily with a free blog that is RSS fed. There are no rules here. Set up a blog; set up two - or three and each day type a few paragraphs that show the benefits of your program. Be sure to RSS it and you will have no trouble getting new participants to look over your program.

Play nice.

2007 Esther Smith

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