Most people enter the Internet business with great expectations. Unfortunately, not all of them succeed as they don't know what it takes to make it a success. They may commence business with a lot of vigor but they slowly fade away when things get tough. It helps to get in touch with a mentor who can guide you in the right direction. A little guidance can make a big difference for a small business venture.
It's easy to say that your online business was a scam just to camouflage your failure. Most people say it because it's the easy way out. However, there are certain ingredients that can make any home based business a great success.
So, let's take a closer look at these winning factors!
To begin with, you need a great product that offers real value to customers. This is very important. Although there are a vast number of products in the market, the key lies in finding one that has 'purchase value'. A home based business works well because your expenses are quite low. You don't have to invest in office space nor do you have to restrict yourself to a 9 to 5 schedule. Since you're using the Internet, the world is wide open to you all day. You are not restricted by geographical lines or time zones.
Let's assume you've got a winning product and there's a demand for it in the market. If these two aspects are taken care of, then you're well on your way to success. However, you still need a professional website to showcase your product or service. Secondly, you need to get potential customers to visit your website. Surprisingly this is where 95% of people fail.
You need to figure out the math. For instance, let's assume that your product earns you a profit of $100. Now you need to analyze how much it would cost to get a person to visit your website. Then you need to consider how many visitors it would take to actually make a sale. If you are spending $2 for each visitor and you need 100 visitors in total to make one sale, then you're in trouble. This is why most online businesses fail. They don't calculate things properly. It just takes a small correction here or there to make a profitable difference.
Now if you are incurring an expense of $2 to earn a profit of $1 then you need to take stock of the situation and make a few changes quickly. Here are a couple of things you need to consider. Your website may need to be re-looked at as it needs to convert more visitors into customers. Or perhaps you're not focusing on the right target audience. It could be a combination of the two. It boils down to having an effective website. It should be created with one objective in mind. That is to get sales. Your customer should want to buy your product after visiting your website. He shouldn't be left confused or irritated. All your information must be presented clearly. Your customer should be able to get information on your actual product, its cost, purchase details etc. A well organized website is a pleasure to browse.
If you don't want to get into the hassle of finding a product and then advertising it, then opt for a home business that has brought in good results for others. There are several good home businesses that have made people wealthy. A smart Internet marketer will make a wise decision by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each home business program. Once this is done, he can pick the best one from the lot. A smart Internet marketer will analyze if the product has potential to sell and whether there is a demand for it in the market. He will then build an effective website to promote the product. Some home businesses may even give you a template or basic website to work with. However, chances are that these may not work too well. If would be advisable for you to customize that website into what you want it to be. Working with a new website has several advantages. Firstly, you can rewrite all the content. If your content is similar to that of other websites, your website will suffer in rankings at the search engines. This can spell bad news as 80% of your business will comes in from search engine results. This is why you should aim to rank high in the top search engines.
Your next step is to enhance the website to make it more effective. You need to edit and proofread it well. You don't want it to be too wordy or confusing to a potential customer. Communication needs to be clear and concise. Your best communication tool is your website so you need to make it excellent in every way. There's no room for mistakes as there are dozens of websites out there competing for the same set of customers. This is why your website needs to be outstanding so it can secure and retain attention. An ideal website may convert one customer for every 20 visitors. So if you earn a profit of $100 and you incur an expense of $40 for every 20 visitors, then you are safe. But the more mistakes you make, the conversion rate is decrease and your profits will diminish.
Now that your website is taken care of, you need to consider how you can get visitors to your website. A lot of Internet marketers resort to finding advertising companies to do the work for them. This is a grave mistake as you end up incurring huge losses by investing in programs that just don't work. By the time you realize your folly you're in too deep and all your cash reserves are empty. Seldom do people realize that the best methods of advertising are actually free. But people like to take the lazy way out so they hire advertising firm and end up loosing their money in the end. Although there are effective paid methods of advertising, you need to know what they are. If you have a good guide to show you which programs work, your life will be stress free! Not to mention, it will save you a lot of unnecessary expenditure.
This is where a good mentor can be useful. He can guide you in the right direction and help you avoid common errors and mistakes. If you look in the right places, you can find excellent mentors who are willing to help.
To sum up, online businesses are not bound to fail. You can make a success of any business if you have a real product and a good market. However, that's not enough. You need to combine that will an effective website which will convert traffic to sales. Further, you need a mechanism in place to drive traffic to your site. If all this seems confusing you can enlist the help of a mentor who can show you the way. Anyone can use a little guidance especially if you're new to the game. There are mentors who will gladly help you sort out these issues and put you on your way to success. These mentors are wealthy marketers and they can help you earn an income online.
by: Michele Allen
The Best PTC Sites List Updated Jan 01 2010
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