Today time is probably the biggest commodity… in many cases more precious than money. If you think about it… there is always a way to make more money if you are willing to do whatever it takes. Once time is gone…you can't get it back. There isn't a way to make more of it or stretch it out to be longer. The only thing anyone can do is manage it and maximize it. Based on that, why would anyone want to waste it? Sounds like a strange question right? At this point you're probably saying to yourself … "no one wants to waste time" and I would agree with you. How come then… do so many people do it? Every single day!!! Time is wasted in so many ways… but the biggest seems to be based on a job when compared to family life. Did you know that the nasty morning commute eats up 1 to 2 hours a day usually... and much more for many. That can be as much as 3 weeks a year when added up! Take a 40 year career and that's 120 weeks or more than 2 years of wasted time!!! 2 YEARS!!! What would you do to keep that time? Anything? Most people would probably say yes to that. There is a way to keep more of it than you think today. Droves of American's are leaving the corporate sector to either work from home, or have their own home businesses. It's allowing them to gain some of those lost 2 years back.
If you choose to simply work at home, meaning have a job but do it at home; there are good and not so good things to consider…
Here's the good… A regular paycheck… if that's what's important to you. Ability to plan your life around your work to an extent. No up front investment… you'll still be an employee. .
Here's the not so good… Answering to a boss for your schedule. Needing a boss' approval to advance. Someone else still decides how much your time and efforts are worth. No build up of residual income.
Certainly if you choose to step out of the employee sector and into the home business owner sector there are a all kinds of advantages available to you. Again however; along with the good also comes the not so good.
Here is what a home based business can offer…
The good… You're the boss. Run your business your way and not someone else's. You create your own schedule and decide how much and when you work. You answer to your self, not a boss. You decide how much your time and efforts are worth vs. a boss. Potential build up of residual income if you choose the right business.
The not so good (or challenges)… There is an investment and working capital needed for any legitimate venture. There is no immediate gratification. You need to build your business and momentum before reaping the rewards.
With all that being said, the good far outweighs the bad. There are certainly ways to plan so that starting your business doesn't break your bank. Keep your job and start it part time or simply save up the capital needed and then make the switch.
Let's talk about the good for a second… imagine having the time to travel when you want? How about never missing your child's sports competition again? Or being available to attend all school events and never missing a birthday party celebration? What about your personal time… remember that? What would it be like to have a little of your own time more than once a year!?
Whatever your choose; feel good about your decision to take the necessary steps in discovering the fantastic potential and flexibility to work at home. Having a job or a business is up to you but; imagine the impact that your new found time freedom will really have on your family life? Let's face it; time is limited and if the opportunity is there to maximize yours, why wouldn't you take it?
by: Shannon Jaklic
The Best PTC Sites List Updated Jan 01 2010
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